5 Common Types of Assessments Used in Employee Selection

5 Common Types of Employee Assessments in Hiring

5 Common Types of Employee Assessments in Hiring – Hiring the right employees is crucial for boosting productivity and achieving long-term success for your company. However, the challenge lies in how to ensure that the recruited employees are genuinely the right fit.

This uncertainty drives companies and organizations to deploy recruitment strategies to attract top talents. One of these strategies includes conducting assessments of potential employees.

Employee assessments can provide valuable insights into a candidate’s abilities, skills, and personality traits. These insights can help companies make informed hiring decisions. In this article, Algobash will explore some common types of assessments used in employee selection!

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What Are the Common Types of Employee Assessments?

Evaluating potential employees through assessments or tests is a critical practice. Assessments can significantly impact recruitment outcomes, ensuring that companies select candidates who are genuinely suited to their needs.

Quoting LinkedIn, a study has shown that employees who pass job assessments can increase sales by up to 20% compared to employees hired without such tests.

There are several common types of employee assessments used in the hiring process. Each type has its own working mechanism, functions, advantages, and disadvantages. Here are some of them:

List of Common Types of Employee Assessments Used in Selection:

1. Skills Tests

The first common type of employee assessment is skills testing. Skills tests are designed to measure technical skills, hard skills, or specific abilities required for a particular job position.

These tests can take the form of knowledge tests, practical skill assessments, or project-based tasks. Through skills tests, candidates’ skills are evaluated to determine if they are relevant to the job.

For instance, a candidate applying for a Programmer position may undergo coding tests, problem-solving assessments, or other critical evaluations related to the job.


  • Ensures that selected candidates possess relevant job-specific skills.
  • Provides the recruitment team with an objective basis for candidate selection.


  • May not always reflect a candidate’s performance in real work situations.
  • Designing and managing skills tests can be resource-intensive.
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2. Psychometric Tests

The second common type of assessment in employee selection is psychometric tests. Psychometric tests are assessments designed to measure psychological aspects of a candidate, especially personality traits, cognitive abilities, and motivation.

In these tests, candidates answer a series of questions or engage in activities aimed at revealing their psychological characteristics.

All responses provided by candidates through these tests are measured and analyzed by HR to understand how well they fit with the company’s culture and job requirements.

Various types of psychometric tests can be used, including the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), cognitive tests, and others.


  • Provides valuable insights into a candidate’s personality and motivation.
  • Helps the company predict a candidate’s long-term success in a role.


  • Test results may be influenced by a candidate’s mood or condition during the test.
  • Test results often require careful and in-depth interpretation by a professional.

3. Cognitive Tests

The third type of assessment is cognitive testing, which measures a candidate’s intellectual abilities and problem-solving skills.

In essence, cognitive tests evaluate a candidate’s ability to think logically, numerical proficiency, verbal skills, analytical capabilities, and abstract thinking.

Typically, candidates are presented with challenging questions or tasks. They are also given a time limit to complete them. The results of these tests are used to assess a candidate’s potential to handle complex tasks requiring critical thinking and analysis.


  • Provides an objective measurement of a candidate’s cognitive abilities.
  • Assists HR in identifying candidates with strong analytical skills.
  • Helps predict a candidate’s potential to handle complex tasks in the future.


  • The test may not completely reflect a candidate’s on-the-job performance.
  • Some candidates may experience test anxiety, potentially affecting their performance.
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4. Situational Judgment Tests (SJT)

Have you ever heard of Situational Judgment Tests (SJTs)? If not, this assessment type is worth considering as one of the methods in your recruitment process to find the right employees.

Situational Judgment Tests are assessments designed to evaluate a candidate’s ability to make decisions in job-related scenarios.

In these tests, candidates are presented with a series of workplace scenarios or challenges related to the position they are applying for. HR asks candidates to provide the best responses or actions to these scenarios.

These tests aim to assess a candidate’s decision-making and problem-solving abilities in practical work situations.


  • Measures a candidate’s ability to handle real-world work situations effectively.
  • Evaluates a candidate’s decision-making and problem-solving skills.
  • Reduces subjectivity in the evaluation of candidates by the recruitment team.


  • Time-consuming to develop.
  • Requires expertise in test design and administration.
  • May not cover all aspects of job-related tasks within a company.

5. Performance Simulation Tests

The fifth common type of assessment for prospective employees is performance simulation testing. This method requires candidates to complete tasks or scenarios that resemble challenges they may encounter in their future roles.

Similar to SJTs, candidates are presented with scenarios or tasks that closely resemble the demands of the job they are applying for. They must complete these tasks, and the results are used to evaluate their practical skills and abilities.

For instance, a candidate applying for a customer service role might be given a simulation task related to customer interactions.


  • Provides a realistic assessment of a candidate’s job-related skills and abilities.
  • Offers valuable insights into a candidate’s likely performance.


  • Developing such tests can be resource-intensive.
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That’s the information on common types of employee assessments. For maximum assessment results, you can also utilize Algobash’s pre-employment test platform. Algobash offers a wide range of assessments that can be applied in your company’s recruitment to evaluate candidates from all aspects, including skills, personality, fit, and performance objectively, easily, quickly, and accurately. Visit Algobash.com now to request a demo or try it out for free for 7 days.

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