Recruitment Strategy To Beat Hiring Competition

Recruitment Strategy To Beat Hiring Competition

So far we have seen that candidates compete for jobs from companies. However, have you ever thought that companies have to compete to recruit the best employees? Yes, as a Recruiter, you need the right recruitment strategy to attract candidates. Especially now that many large companies have a monopoly on potential candidates.

Why is recruitment strategy important?

When you want to compete, strategy is an important thing to do to win the competition. Likewise, when you want to recruit the best candidates, you must be able to think of strategies that can help make it happen. The strategy will also make the recruitment process that you do directed and effective.

How to develop a good recruitment strategy

In this article Algobash has summarized some of the ways you can follow to find the best candidates for your company. What is it? Read the full article below.

1. Define candidate persona

Before starting the recruitment process, you must really understand the candidate you want to reach. Yes, you have to know who they are, from technical skills, interests, values ​​to other things that are deemed necessary and related to the criteria for the position being offered. Having an overview of the candidate will certainly make it easier for you to find the right candidate.

Make a candidate persona to know it all. A candidate persona is a fictional description of the ideal candidate you want to vote for. Usually, this method is used in marketing techniques to attract consumers, but this method can also be applied to other fields including the recruitment process.

By knowing the characteristics of the candidate, you can take advantage of this to start designing a recruitment campaign strategy that fits your needs and the ideal target you want to get.

2. Research competitors and show that your company is different

When competing, you must know who your competitors are. try doing competitor research by examining how they carry out their recruitment strategy through social media, websites, or other platforms. Analyze how other companies distribute content to attract candidates and the development of job openings they have open.

After you’ve done your competitor research, try to write down how they positioned themselves in front of the candidate, how they communicated with the candidate, what platform they used to spread the message to the candidate, and other things.

This method will certainly help you in making a strategic recruitment plan. Then, you can also create a recruitment strategy that is unique and different from other competitors. Try to use the same platform to promote and also consider other platforms that are not used by competitors.

3. Develop well Employer Value Preposition (EVP)

Employer Value Proposition (EVP) is a value that you can offer to employees and prospective employees, as well as being the difference between your company and competitors.

Unfortunately, there are still many companies that have not paid attention to this. Developing the best possible EVP can help you to avoid employee turnover. You can attract potential candidates and retain the best employees.

Now try to organize it, you can create an EVP by summarizing the experiences of employees working in your company. Then offer it to the candidate. Examples of values ​​you can offer are:

  • The work environment in your company
  • Work relationship
  • Leadership
  • Career opportunity
  • Employee awards, etc.

The EVP you create must be honest, unique, relevant, credible, and aspirational. To compile it, you can approach it by asking the following questions:

  • Why should candidates choose to work for your company over other companies?
  • What should candidates get when working in your company?
  • How is the work environment in your company?
  • What can you offer the candidate?

3. Promote your business and company brand

Once you’ve developed a candidate persona, researched competitors, and have a compelling EVP to offer. Now is the time to promote your company.

The first way you can arrange a strategic promotion is to create an attractive career page that matches the EVP offered. Try to show interesting value with testimonials from employees and company culture. You can make it in the form of video content, photos, or other things that you think are interesting. Then, EVP must also be shown in the description of the job vacancies you open.

You also have to know what platforms are strategic to promote. Use a variety of platforms that match your candidate’s persona.

4. Take advantage of effective and efficient recruitment tools

The last way to win the competition to recruit the best candidates is to take advantage of a variety of easy and effective recruitment tools to use. Currently, there are many interesting tools around you. One of them is Algobash.

You can use Algobash to select which candidates are the right fit for your company easily and in minutes. Algobash can make it easier for you to evaluate tech candidates using the automatic coding assessment feature. You can also select non-tech candidates using the video interview feature to select value fit.

Today, the software is very important to carry out a strategic, effective, and efficient recruitment process. Visit our website to find the best candidates.

Now is the time to develop your recruitment strategy!

After knowing how to carry out a good recruitment strategy so that you can compete to find the best candidates. Now is the time for you to strategize. Try to consistently follow the things mentioned above, then you will see how it turns out!

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