Benefits of an Online Coding Test

Benefits of an Online Coding Test

Benefits of an Online Coding Test – Recruiting candidates for IT positions is not easy. As a recruiter, you must ensure that the candidate you choose is truly qualified and competent according to the position applied for.

Fortunately, there are currently many innovations that can help recruiters to make the recruitment process more effective and efficient, one of which is by using online coding tests.

A coding test is a stage in the recruitment process to assess and evaluate a candidate’s coding ability. By doing it online, there will be various advantages that can help you find the best candidates.

Then, what are the benefits of an online coding test? And why should you apply it in selecting candidates for tech positions? Want to know the answer, see the full review below…

Read full also: Coding test: Is It Mandatory For IT Talent Recruitment?

What are the Benefits of an Online Coding Test?

1. Save Time During Early Selection

Many companies are still using the old ways for shortlisted candidates such as evaluating resumes. This method is prone to cause several problems that make the filtering process run ineffective and inefficient.

This can make you make the wrong decision when selecting a candidate. Plus shortlisting via CV can waste your precious time.

There will be hundreds or even thousands of applications that come in when a job advertisement is opened. If you have to check them one by one, it will certainly feel very tiring and can slow down the recruitment process.

In addition, the information contained in the candidate’s CV has been arranged to attract the attention of recruiters. The things covered by the candidate are not necessarily following their expertise or competence, so they are vulnerable to bias and subjective judgments.

By involving online coding tests in the recruitment stage, you no longer need to worry about all these problems. Especially now that many online coding test platforms have a variety of advanced features.

You can quickly screen candidates based on their skills, not those listed on the CV. 

Read full also: How to Maximize Take-Home Coding Tests

2. Minimizing Recruitment Costs

Besides being time-consuming, recruiting candidates for technical positions also eats away at recruitment costs. According to research conducted by Zippia on companies in the United States, the average cost that can be spent on each recruitment can reach $4,425. This is equivalent to 40% of an employee’s salary just for recruiting new candidates.

By using an online coding test, you can cut these costs. Coding tests can help you to select the right candidate without fear of expensive costs. You just need to look for some cheap and affordable coding test tools or platforms.

3. Test and Practice Candidate Problem-Solving Skills

Problem-solving is very important for an employee in any position, including an IT workforce. By involving an online coding test, you can see how far the candidate’s ability to solve a problem is in a fairly short time limit. This can help them to get used to the fast but still strategic work.

Having an IT employee who has qualified problem-solving skills can certainly be beneficial for companies to advance their business.

Read full also: What Is a Coding Test and How It Affects Recruitment Process

4. Easy for Recruiters and Candidates!

Lastly, conventional coding tests will feel very confusing and stressful for both recruiters and candidates. Especially if you have no background or experience in the IT field.

An online coding test is a simple solution that you can use. You can take advantage of automated coding test platforms to evaluate candidates’ coding skills. This will certainly make it easier for you to make a maximum assessment.

Besides being easy for recruiters, online coding tests are also easy and liked by many candidates. The online coding test is a fun, interactive, and intuitive assessment. This can help candidates to give maximum performance because they feel less pressure.

Read full also: How To Pass a Coding Test: 4 Essential Things You Should Do

Those are some of the benefits of online coding tests that can help you to recruit IT candidates effectively. Are you interested in involving him in the recruitment process?

If you are interested, you can entrust the online coding test to Algobash. We are a pre-employment test platform that is specialized to recruit IT candidates such as developers, software engineers, and so on.

Algobash can help you to do coding tests quickly and precisely. We have all the essential features you need. test logic skills or specific framework skills like React, Vue, Laravel, Next, Golang, and other popular programming languages.

You can choose various coding test questions through our database or create your assessment based on company standards. Algobash is also very easy to use by anyone without the need for experience in the IT field.

To find out more detailed information, you can visit our website and start recruiting candidates effectively, efficiently, and affordable!

Read full also: Coding Test Tips: 5 Small Things That Have a Big Impact on Your Coding Test
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