Coding Interview

What to Expect in a Coding Interview: A Comprehensive Guide for HR

As an HR professional, one of the most challenging tasks is recruiting top-notch talent for your organization. The task becomes even more daunting when it comes to recruiting candidates for technical positions, where the skillset required is highly specialized. In such cases, conducting a coding interview becomes essential to gauge the candidate’s technical abilities. However, as an HR professional, you may not be familiar with the technicalities of a coding interview. In this article, we will explore what to expect in a coding interview and how to conduct one effectively.

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What is a Coding Interview?

A coding interview is a process where the interviewer evaluates the candidate’s ability to write code. The purpose of a coding interview is to determine if the candidate has the required technical skills for the role they are being interviewed for. The interview can be conducted in various formats, including:

  • Whiteboard interviews: This is a traditional approach where the candidate is asked to write code on a whiteboard or paper.
  • Pair programming interviews: In this format, the candidate is paired with an interviewer and is asked to write code collaboratively.
  • Online coding interviews: This format is gaining popularity, especially in remote work settings, where the candidate is asked to complete a coding challenge online.
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What to Expect in a Coding Interview

A coding interview can be divided into several sections, each testing a different aspect of the candidate’s technical abilities. Here are some of the sections you can expect in a coding interview:

1. Technical Questions

The first section of a coding interview usually involves technical questions related to the language or framework used in the role. The interviewer might ask questions related to syntax, data structures, algorithms, or design patterns. The purpose of this section is to test the candidate’s foundational knowledge of the language or framework.

2. Coding Challenge

The second section of a coding interview usually involves a coding challenge. The candidate is asked to write code to solve a specific problem. The interviewer may ask the candidate to write code on a whiteboard, paper, or in an online editor. The purpose of this section is to test the candidate’s ability to write code and solve problems.

3. Code Review

In this section, the interviewer will ask the candidate to review a piece of code and find errors or optimizations. The purpose of this section is to test the candidate’s ability to read and understand code.

4. Behavioral Questions

Apart from technical questions, the interviewer might also ask behavioral questions to gauge the candidate’s soft skills. The interviewer might ask questions related to the candidate’s previous work experience, team collaboration, problem-solving, and communication skills.

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How to Conduct a Coding Interview

Now that you know what to expect in a coding interview let’s explore how to conduct one effectively.

1. Define the Role and Technical Requirements

The first step in conducting a coding interview is to define the role and technical requirements. You need to have a clear understanding of the technical skills required for the role and the language or framework the candidate should be proficient in.

2. Prepare the Interview Questions

Based on the technical requirements, prepare a set of interview questions. The questions should cover foundational knowledge of the language or framework, problem-solving, and debugging skills.

3. Choose the Interview Format

Choose the interview format based on the technical requirements, company culture, and the availability of resources. You can choose between whiteboard interviews, pair programming interviews, or online coding interviews.

4. Provide a Clear Problem Statement

Provide a clear problem statement to the candidate. The problem statement should be relevant to the role and should test the candidate’s technical abilities.

5. Evaluate the Candidate’s Performance

Evaluate the candidate’s performance based on their technical abilities, problem-solving skills, and soft skills. Use a scoring rubric to ensure consistency in the evaluation process.

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Why Algobash is the Best Choice for Conducting Coding Interview

Algobash is a pre-employment test platform designed to help HR professionals conduct coding interviews effectively. With Algobash, you can:

  • Customize interview questions based on the technical requirements of the role.
  • Choose from various interview formats, including whiteboard interviews, pair programming interviews, or online coding interviews.
  • Get detailed reports on the candidate’s performance and technical abilities.
  • Evaluate the candidate’s performance consistently using Algobash’s scoring rubric.
  • Save time and resources by automating the interview process.


Conducting a coding interview can be challenging, but with the right approach and tools, you can find the best candidate for your organization. In this article, we explored what to expect in this interview and how to conduct one effectively. We also introduced Algobash, an AI-powered platform that can help you conduct coding interviews efficiently. With Algobash, you can save time and resources while finding the best candidate for your organization.

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